Friday Favorites, Flops and Food Southbound Edition…

Friday Favorites, Flops and Food

I know its cliché, but the weeks seem to be floating by leaving me feeling like I’m missing something or not living life to the fullest. One of my goals for this year is to slow my days down and to be present and mindful of each, and every minute. Another goal is to find something to be grateful for in each season. Keeping track of my favorites, flops and good food weekly has been a great exercise in consistent blogging, and a way to remember and be grateful.


Have you heard that the topic of the new season of “American Crime Story” will be produced by Monica Lewinsky and will focus on the impeachment of former president Bill Clinton. It’s set to debut weeks before election day 2020.

Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones and Linda Tripp will be the story’s main characters.

They’ll be played by Beanie Feldstein, Annaleigh Ashford and Sarah Paulson, respectively.
The show is entirely to frightening for a scaredy cat like me, but I’m intrigued and may have to watch this one.

We had to make a quick trip to Florida to help my Mom with a few things and to check in with my sister-and-brother in law. He is having serious health issues.
Even though our reasons for visiting are a bit sad we are so blessed to have relatives in such a beautiful place. Here in Daytona Beach the ocean water is 84 degrees.

Its also shark week so my feet got wet, that’s it!

Have you heard that no matter where you are in the ocean you’re never more than five-feet from a shark?
The pool water is a bit cooler and SO refreshing. Its so comforting to be able to see the bottom!


So, we drove to Florida because we’ve got to bring a bunch of stuff home with us. I don’t mind a road trip, especially with my husband. We left on Sunday morning thinking we’d get through DC easier. What were we thinking? There’s never a good time to roll through the area.

Not only was the traffic thick, we ran into thunderstorms and the most torrential rain I’ve seen in a long time.

We stopped at Cracker Barrel for dinner and I bought a lavender bath bomb. I couldn’t wait to get to the hotel and take a quick swim and a long relaxing bath. We always stop halfway which is around Fayetteville, North Carolina. The rain stopped long enough for us to get in a quick swim and even though we booked our room three-weeks earlier, they only had a shower. Maybe I’ll get that bath on the way home.

The loss of life this past week is devastating and infuriating.

I’m so sick of the back and forth rhetoric and the blaming of anyone and everyone other than the killers! My brother was murdered, and I can say from first- hand knowledge the political bs and the media back and forth hurt us so deeply. Our hearts were broken. We only wanted to hear the killers would be punished and we wanted to hear from those that loved my brother and why. The rest was awful. I feel so sorry for the loved ones…


I’m not cooking this week, but my Mother had Kansas City Steaks and we had John grill them for us. They were amazing!

The Eagles played their first preseason game.

We were so excited to go to Hooligans’ to see the game with my sister-in-law, nephew (a big Eagles fan) and niece. When we got to the restaurant they apologized and said Direct TV wasn’t showing the game. We were so disappointed, but the food was good. I had chicken quesadilla and John had a Philly cheesesteak. It wasn’t a Philly steak, but he enjoyed it and I enjoyed the quesadillas.

What have you been up to this week? What are you watching, eating or travelling to?
Have a blessed weekend,

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1 thought on “Friday Favorites, Flops and Food Southbound Edition…”

  1. I watched some of that game last night.
    You stopped in my neck of the woods during your trip!
    And I’m not going in the ocean for anything in the world. Friends of ours who teach scubba lessons have taken a helicopter over the beach before and said that if the swimmers knew just how many sharks were swimming around them, they’d never go in again.

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