Writing Wednesday/Goals…

Writing Wednesday

Wednesday is the day I share what I’ve learned on my journey from writing, publication, marketing; and doing it all again, and again. The kind of information I wish someone shared with me when I started.


There’s only five-months until 2020!

Please tell me I’m not the only one freaking out about that.
It’s just a date right? Do you set New Years Goals for yourself and/or your business? Normally I’m extremely serious about my goals and I’m pretty good about accomplishing them. The past two-years, not so much. January 2018 started with surgery on my right hand. I squeezed a lemon and tore some ligaments.

January 2019 started with a kidney stone that passed but left me with an infection that turned into sepsis. My goals for both years still haven’t been met.

I’m always the one preaching “stay positive” “keep moving forward” “start with a plan” and I find myself struggling to take my own advice.

The beach fixes everything. I unplugged for a week and spent my days swimming or napping under an umbrella. Nights were spent with plenty of wine, a fire pit in the sand and smores.

Now I’m rested, refreshed and ready to tackle those goals, one at a time. My goals haven’t changed, I still want to accomplish the same things, but I need a new plan. I need to get the activities that suck up too much of my time under control.

For more than twenty-years I was a late-night writer.

A few years ago, that changed, and I started to write in the morning. The difference is late at night there were no texts, social media was boring, and it was so quiet.

There are so many distractions in the morning!

In the morning, before I get down to the business of writing, I check my email, social media and play a game or too. I listen to the radio or watch a local morning show.

That’s obviously the first thing I need to change.


For the next three weeks I’m going to try to write for two hours, four days a week before turning anything else on. If my schedule permits I’m going to try to write for another two hours in the afternoon. There I said it:)

Wish me luck!

How about you? Did you have goals for this year? Have you thought about them lately?
Happy Writing,


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2 thoughts on “Writing Wednesday/Goals…”

  1. Thanks, this is just what I needed. Nice to know that professional writers need to be accountable to their process as well—it just doesn’t happen for y’all by magic.

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