My favorite writing day of the month is the Insecure Writers Support Group posting day!
You are more than welcome to join us and can sign up here:
To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. If you’ve been through the fire you can offer your assistance, and guidance. It’s a safe- haven for insecure writers of all kinds!
The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer – aim for a dozen new people each time – and return comments. This group is all about connecting!
Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!
Our Twitter handle is @TheIWSG and hashtag is #IWSG. You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram!
Every month, we announce a question that members can answer in their IWSG post. These questions may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience or story. Include your answer to the question in your IWSG post or let it inspire your post if you are struggling with something to say.
Remember, the question is optional!
June 5 question: Of all the genres you read and write, which is your favorite to write in and why?
Most definitely my favorite genre to read is historical fiction. I’ve been a history buff since I was a little kid. Growing up in Philadelphia it was hard not to be interested in history there’s so much of it here. While that is my favorite I also enjoy reading compelling memoirs and as a business owner, certain business books.
Surprising to me was finding out how much I enjoy a good science fiction story and lately I’ve been enjoying mysteries that keep me hooked.
There’s nothing worse than figuring out the entire plot by the second chapter.
A few years ago, I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. Back then I didn’t take the diagnosis seriously because I didn’t understand how serious it was, and honestly neither did my doctor. After a few terrifying allergic reactions and an ER doctor explaining Celiac to me, I was scared straight!
Now I enjoy reading cookbooks and healthy eating books too!
Eating gluten free was awful in the beginning. I missed garlic bread and donuts so much. Maybe someday I’ll write my own cookbook and share the recipes I’ve created out of necessity, to satisfy my bread and cake cravings.
So; I guess you could say I enjoy reading all genres!
Honestly though I don’t have a favorite genre to write either. My first two books were nonfiction. The latest manuscript I completed is also nonfiction. As a ghost writer I enjoy writing for entrepreneurs and love the challenge of making their success stories read like a good novel instead of a textbook.
Since March I’ve been writing fiction, and I’m loving the process.
The biggest difference for me so far is the ability to stretch the truth a bit and not having to stress so much over getting the facts exactly straight. That said, I’m trying to keep it as real as possible. Other than that, characters still need to be developed, hooks created etc.
My summer goals are to finish three fiction WIP’s. I prefer working on one at a time, but I love a good challenge too! Its possible by the end of the year I may have a clear favorite genre to right. I’ll keep you posted.
How about you, do you have any writing or other types of goals for the summer?
Are you planning to enter the Insecure Writers Support Group Anthology Contest? You can find more information here:
The awesome co-hosts for the June 5 posting of the IWSG are Diane Burton, Kim Lajevardi, Sylvia Ney, Sarah Foster, Jennifer Hawes, and Madeline Mora-Summonte!
Be sure to stop by and thank them!
6 thoughts on “The Insecure Writers Support Group”
Hello, Doreen. Maybe your knowledge of cooking will feature in your fiction someday?
My favorite genre is anything that has supernatural or fantasy creatures. Put a vampire in it and I am there!
Since your doctor didn’t know much about it, maybe you should do that cookbook.
You have some great goals for your summer. I hope you even come close to reaching them. Glad you are starting to write for yourself. Me too. And I’m enjoying it like you but am much less productive than you sound. Happy writing!
Transitioning from NF to fiction should be fun. Enjoy the ride.
Anna from elements of emaginette
I’m with you–I like reading mysteries or thrillers as long as I can’t figure out the ending in the second chapter! It’s so impressive that you’re going to finish off 3 WIPs this summer. Way to go! We’re cheering you on!