Friday Favorites, Flops and Food Memorial Day Edition…




Friday Favorites, Flops and Food

I know its cliché, but the weeks seem to be floating by leaving me feeling like I’m missing something or not living life to the fullest. One of my goals for this year is to slow my days down and to be present and mindful of every minute. Another goal is to find something to be grateful for in each season.

What where your favorites and flops this past week? What did you watch? What did you eat that was fabulous or not?


The last few weeks have been so busy. Two big fundraisers I work on all year are behind me, so this past week has been one of rest. Resting involved spring cleaning my bedroom (lol.) I still need to finish both our closets and wax the hardwood floor.

Five episodes in with Blacklist and we’re hooked.

We finally caught up on Blind Spot and were looking for another show to binge watch.
John said the first few episodes of Blacklist reminded him of The Silence of the Lambs. It does. The episodes are fast paced, and we love that.

Sally Starr hosted a show for kids here in Philadelphia during the 60’s.

My siblings, cousin and I were on her show often as well as other local shows; Gene London, Pixanne, Happy the Clown and I tap danced on Chief Half Town and Al Alberts.

When I was 13, we had a fire and all our photos were either burned or soaked by the firehoses. Luckily my grandparents, aunts and uncles took lots of pictures.

My cousin shared a photo of us with Sally Starr. The picture brought back so many memories for me and apparently with close to 1000 likes and hundreds of comments it brought back a lot of memories for others too.

None of that TV stuff was fun back then, Sally was a drinker and when the cameras were off none of the hosts were that nice. Watching from home was so much more fun! I’m glad we had the experience though.


Two years ago, I was pushed by a man in a leadership position. It took a lot, but I was finally promised if I was patient he would be removed from his position in May. It’s May and I was told he’s staying. I’m SO angry but the same day I found out he was staying I found out a close friend, a childhood friends daughter died. She was 36 years old and had three small children. They lived with me when she was little, and I adored her.

Suddenly that man and his bs meant nothing. I’m leaving that (volunteer) situation and not looking back.
Since November six people I know personally have died of an overdose. I’m so heartbroken and know there are more losses coming.

This isn’t the 60’s and 70’s when it was all about getting high and free love. Many thousands of people that were loved are dying and everything we are doing or not doing is making it worse.

There are thousands of children growing up without one or both parents because of the opioid crisis.

Money isn’t going to fix this. This isn’t about politics; this is about an epidemic, a real crisis that ends in death. It’s all so frustrating and sad.


Honestly it was such a sad week I only cooked once, and it was all about comfort food. For those that don’t know I have Celiac Disease and severe allergies and my husband is prediabetic. A few years ago, we decided to make a few changes in our diets, but it wasn’t enough, so we had to get serious. When we cheat, we make sure it’s worth it😊

Gluten Free Pasta with Meat Sauce and Garlic Toast

Box of Ronzoni Gluten free pasta (or any trusted brand)

2 lbs. of grass- fed ground beef
2 large cans of sauce (make sure there is NO sugar)
2 small cans of diced tomatoes
1 small can of tomato paste
Oregano, basil, salt and pepper
Olive oil
½ cup chopped onion
3 tablespoons chopped garlic
¼ cup chopped carrot
Fresh parmesan
Gluten free sliced bread

Put olive oil in fry pan and heat. Add 2 tablespoons of minced garlic, carrots and onion. Heat through and add meat. Chop and brown. Drain.
Transfer to large saucepan and add sauce, paste and tomatoes. Stir well and simmer on low for 15 minutes stirring often.
Prepare pasta.
Put butter in frying pan and heat. Add tablespoon of garlic and heat through. Put bread slices in pan until toasted.
Serve with fresh parmesan. Yum!


Have a safe Memorial Day Weekend and God Bless those that gave all for the freedoms we so often take for granted,


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10 thoughts on “Friday Favorites, Flops and Food Memorial Day Edition…”

  1. This opioid crisis is a terrible thing and I don’t know how we’re going to fix it. Back home in KY, they are calling it “Ground Zero” for the heroin epidemic. The last time we were there young people were just walking around like zombies. It is heartbreaking. My step-daughter became a heroin addict & disappeared from our lives for over 5 years. Thankfully she got into trouble and they put her in a great program and I’m happy to say that it has been two years & she now mentors others with the same demons.

  2. The son of a dear friend has been on and off of opioids. The lies, broken promises are bad enough but it’s almost certain there won’t be a happy ending to his story. Good luck to you and John with your diet. So many of us now have celiac or some other disease that’s no doubt caused by tweaking our foods. The volunteer group you mentioned… It’s their loss that you’re not part of their organization, but I’m sorry it didn’t work out the way you’d hoped. xoxox, B

  3. Hi Doreen:

    I’m so sorry to hear about your friend’s daughter. My thoughts are with this family, particularly her children. Thanks for the recipes. I’m trying to convert to a clean eating macro nutritious diet so I’m always on the lookout for new recipes with a healthy twist.

    Thank you, LeAna

    1. It’s such a shame the way people that take medications responsibly have to suffer because of the irresponsible. I occasionally need them to for a chronic condition and my husband can’t pick it up at the pharmacy for me. So frustrating.

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