Kindness Is A Passport…

World Kindness Day was November 13th and it’s a day for people to set aside their differences and just be kind to one another. Kindness can come in many forms. It can be a warm smile from a stranger across the street or a bouquet of flowers from an old friend.


Even though World Kindness Day has passed, that does not mean that we have to stop spreading the love. To help inspire you to be kind this year, FTD has rounded up 30 of the best kindness quotes around. They even included a printable card so you can write your own message to someone. Enjoy!


The holidays are right around the corner and for some that means remembering loved ones that are no longer with them, missing family members they’ve been separated from for too long because of something neither can remember or something neither is willing to forget.


I am one of those people. Over the years I’ve learned the best way for me to feel better is to make someone else feel better. For me it’s like a magic cure for the blues.


So even though World Kindness Day has passed the opportunity to be kind will never pass. With one small act of kindness you can change someone’s day and with a bigger act of kindness you can change a life.

I love sending flowers. It is a quick and easy way to surprise and to brighten someone’s day for no reason other than to say you were thinking of them.


What is the nicest thing someone has done for you today? How about this year?

Have a Blessed Day,




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