
Twitter Pitch is Coming…

The first Wednesday of every month is officially:

Insecure Writer’s Support Group Day #IWSG

Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your writing doubts and the fears you have or have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer – a good goal is to visit at least a dozen other blogs.

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers at any stage of writing from beginner to best-seller!

Please join us, sign up here:

Visit our Facebook Page here:

I am so excited to be hosting this month, let’s rock the neurotic writing world!

Twitter Pitch is coming! Visit the Insecure Writers Support Group Website for more information! If you are a writer or blogger this website is one of the best. There is SO much information!

Optional #IWSG Question for July: What is one valuable lesson you’ve learned since you started writing?

I would say the most valuable lesson I’ve learned is to treat my writing like a job not a hobby and to respect my editors and appreciate that they are doing their job and their knowledge will only make my writing better.

Summer Slow Down

Here in the Philadelphia area summer officially starts for us on the 4th of July. It’s when the temperature starts to get into the 90’s and stays really warm at night. This is no doubt my favorite time of the year.

It’s also my least productive time of year especially as far as writing. I just want to sit by the water and daydream. I want to sleep in and take naps. I want to take long walks with the grandkids.

This was my office for 8-days last month. Not much writing got done but there was a lot of daydreaming…


I promised I would never be that writer that allowed her blog to suffer because she got so busy with other writing stuff. I’m not proud that I’ve become that writer.

As writers we need to cut ourselves some slack and allow time for a bit of daydreaming. It’s necessary to replenish our creative wells.

The answer for us creative types is finding a reasonable balance.

My plan is to get up early and write. No social media, no email and no phone just me and my word count mission. I can balance this out with a well deserved afternoon nap without feeling guilty.

How do you stay on track with your writing and other goals over the summer?

Happy Writing,


Be sure to stop by and say hello to the other awesome hosts:

 Tamara Narayan,  Pat Hatt,  Patricia Lynne,  Juneta Key




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39 thoughts on “Twitter Pitch is Coming…”

  1. Hi Doreen, the view from your window looks spectacular! I don’t know how I’ll get my word count out during the six week break my children have from school. Probably steal a few hours in the evenings? They’re only young once and I don’t want to miss out. Plus, I’m not the most organised of people. 🙂

  2. Good Post. Every writer need to replenish, I agree. I don’t agree with the saying a writer must write every day. I believe in taking long walks and taking a break now and then. I used to take my breaks in the summertime too. I like to write in the stormy winter months. But now I babysit my grand babies and since my daughter is a teacher, I get the summers off, so now I have to get in as much writing as I can in the summer. Have a nice week. And thank you for Co-Hosting!

  3. Your July 5 post really hits home. I’m struggling with critical issues I must deal with, exhaustion, and guilt ‘cuz I’m ignoring my desire to write. I’ll reflect on your post. Thank you for co-hosting this month.

  4. And with a view like that, who can blame you? If I lived next to the beach, I’d have a hard time focusing. In fact, we lived 3 blocks away once, and it was fabulous. Nothing so wonderful as an ocean breeze, eh?

  5. This is my favorite time of year too, and that makes it really hard to focus! I’m like you though, I try to get my writing done before I do any playing around online.

  6. I definitely get lazier in summer. I also get busier with non-writing activities. I teach a bunch of summer classes. I seem to get more freelance offers. It all takes me away from my fiction writing. Actually, I like the break.

  7. Balance is key, but also hard. I’m not big on afternoon naps, but I’ve recently discovered the wonders of Netflix not to mention my husband has a problem when it comes to buying DVDs/bluray. We are known to our family and friends as the free Blockbuster (for those of you not in the states, it was a big movie rental store but they’ve all closed now). Now if I’ve hit my daily word count goal, I don’t feel guilty snuggled up in my big chair with my boys and binge watching some TV.

  8. Oh that balance. Still working on it. Some days feel more balanced than others, but IWSG post days are pretty good. I like having the clear-cut goal to post and comment on other posts. You probably hear this all the time, but your name is super cool. It would make an excellent character name!

  9. Lounging at the beach sounds wonderful! Me, I wish things changed in the summer time. Unfortunately, there’s no difference between temperature, as I’m still leaving for work every morning at 6:55 AM and not getting home until 5:30 PM. Best of luck staying on track!

  10. Oh yes, balance is very important. I took yesterday off from writing and enjoyed our local Independence Day festivities with friends and family. Today I’m back to BICFOKTAM. Happy July to you!

  11. I love summer, especially its warmth and atmosphere, but at the same time, I fear it – being productive on the writing front is nearly impossible with so many distractions and fun outdoor things to do. I try to stay on track by ignoring social media and personal emails (and to some extend house sit notifications to find our next place to live) during work hours. It truly helps to be more productive. Thanks for co-hosting and have a happy summer!!

  12. Deborah Drucker

    Blogging and following up with reader’s comments and blogs can be very time consuming. I like your idea of carving out time just for your own writing. I do find much of my time eaten up by reading other people’s stuff,the news,twitter, etc. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting today. 🙂

  13. Finding the right balance is very important.
    Oddly enough (I live so close to it), I haven’t been to the beach yet this year, but I have spent some lazy days outside.
    Thanks for co-hosting.

  14. I love the view from your window. I find I accomplish so much more without social media distractions as well. And long walks are good for the body, soul, and imagination, so enjoy enjoy enjoy. Thanks for hosting today.

  15. Beautiful office! Daydreaming is so important! I kind of daydream during my runs. It’s when I imagine the scenes in my novels so when I finally sit down to type, I have it ready to go. I’ve NOT been doing a good job getting words down, though. I got the most writing done the day our internet was down… That tells me something. Christy

  16. Well, I’m not. So I don’t have any advice. I’m now on my second week of what might as well be a vacation. Except I’ve been home (aka near my office) and have done only the very basic tasks required to get by. House isn’t very clean either.

    But I think that’s what summer is about. And I like your perspective of refilling the creative well. That’s what I’ll call it now!

  17. Hi, Doreen! This seems to be my first time here, so I’ve followed your blog. Thanks for co-hosting IWSG’s question for July.

    Darling, it’s really, really difficult to keep writing when you have such a beautiful view from your window. I need to face the wall or I wouldn’t write anything. Summertime is the toughest time to find writing opportunities with family around. All the best to you, Doreen.

  18. Ah, the elusive concept of balance. I’m still striving for it. I do try to take breaks to avoid burnout, but I could be better about it. Great post, and thank you for co-hosting!

  19. The temptation to daydream is so hard resist! I know that one is tough, but it does help, if you direct it right. If I daydream about my stories, I come up with some great ideas, but if I daydream about other stuff, obviously, it doesn’t help with my writing.

    Happy 4th of July!

  20. Life gets in the way so often. I’ve been on vacation this week and I haven’t gotten nearly as much writing done as I would have liked. I no longer beat myself up over it.
    Oh well, there’s always tomorrow.

    Thanks for co-hosting this month’s IWSG!

  21. Thanks for co-hosting this month!
    To replenish my balance I take a blogging break from May to August, from after National Poetry Month and until Labor Day. I use that time to focus more on my writing projects, critiquing on Scribophile (which I really have to step up) and engaging with other writers and readers on social media and Wattpad. Right now I’m doing July Camp NaNoWriMo and taking part in #julycampwip and #wipjoy on Twitter. It’s a good way connect with other writers and find out what WIP novel they’re working on.

  22. Hi, I wouldn’t feel too guilty. That view is gorgeous and maybe it’s more important to spend time with your family right now. Pay yourself back (the writing hours you lost) when you find the time again. It’ll come.

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