
Music Monday and Memories…

I still wonder how it’s possible that after 18-years my body knows, my subconscious remembers. It starts with my body feeling heavy. I get that awful lump in my throat and feel sick.

How does a certain song trigger our minds to recall memories, some beautiful and some so sad? Why did this song randomly play on the radio station I’m listening to today?

Then I realize this is the day that all those years ago went from a beautiful, warm spring day and an evening out with my daughters to the night in an intensive care waiting room praying for God not to take my brother from me.

This is the day my brother and his band-mates were driving home after practicing for a show at the Trocadera in Philadelphia that would raise money for the children of members in another band that lost their lives in a freak explosion as they practiced.

David, Anthony and Joe were attacked for driving too slow.

We have a big family and at that time David was the only musician. He was our music man.

I wanted to create a video so that our memories of David would be preserved for all of the new members of our family. I wanted them to know him, love him and miss him too.

When I heard Alan Parson’s Brother up in Heaven I could not stop crying. To this day I cannot believe I actually emailed him and asked if I could use the music and change up the words for our video. I am so grateful to him for saying absolutely and always will be.

Our niece Caroline was so kind to sing the song for us. Her voice is beautiful.

Brother Up In Heaven

We have quite a few musicians in our family today and the most talented is David’s son.

Days like today remind me of this quote from Rose Kennedy. She is so right.

What songs bring back special, beautiful or sad memories for you?


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