Feeling Insecure?

The first Wednesday of every month I participate in The Insecure Writer’s Support Group. #IWSG. This is one AMAZING group of talented beginning writers, established writers, and professional authors. One of the many things we all have in common is our moments of extreme insecurity about our craft. Another is our gratitude and strong -pay it forward attitudes when our confidence is soaring.

To find out more about the IWSG or to join us, visit:


Every Wednesday I also share some of the things I have found that worked and some that didn’t work so well on my journey to publication, marketing and publishing again. Being insecure at times is one thing I had to and still deal with in my writing. Learning to listen to other writers, taking their advice and learning to write through those insecurities is a must.



December 7 Question: In terms of your writing career, where do you see yourself five years from now, and what’s your plan to get there?

What a great question and my immediate reaction was panic. The easy answer is I would like to have at least five-more books published and to have all of my books selling well. The intelligent- thought out answer is I have no idea what I am doing tomorrow other than scrambling to finish up my 2016 goals. When I sit down to put my goals for 2017 on paper I am going to include some long range goals as well.

The question also reminds me that it’s time to update my business and marketing plans too. Writing is our passion but when it comes to publishing, it is a business and should be treated as one.

Once I knew I was going to be a published author I created a business and incorporated. This allowed me to write off my home office, equipment, internet service, networking registrations, along with anything else needed to further the business of my writing.

Five years seems like such a long time. I am already so grateful to be where I am in my writing career. I suppose I hope I still get to do what I love doing.

Have you incorporated? Do you have a business and a marketing plan for your writing and your blog?

Happy writing and to each and every one of you Happy Holidays! See you for #IWSG 2017!


The awesome co-hosts for the December posting of the IWSG are Jennifer Hawes, Jen Chandler, Nick Wilford, Juneta Key, JH Moncrieff, Diane Burton, and MJ Fifield! Stop by and thank them!

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What would you do if your husband brought home an 80-year-old homeless woman? The Stranger In My Recliner is Sophie’s story. She lived with us for 2 1/2 years. Homelessness can happen to anyone…

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5 thoughts on “Feeling Insecure?”

  1. These posts have made me realize I’m lacking a real five year plan. I have a vision of things I’d like to see happen in the coming years, but I haven’t planned it. Good luck with finishing up your 2016 goals and figuring out where to go with things next year!

  2. I don’t have a business/marketing plan as of yet. I still don’t see this as a legitimate career, I’m still writing mostly for fun, to improve at it and to see where it goes. One day when I get to the point hat I’m serious about making money, I will definitely start operating more like a business.

  3. I have incorporated my Play off the Page business. It helped me take myself more seriously, too!
    All best in 2017!

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