The Big Reveal…

It is the April Blogging from A-Z Challenge Theme Reveal Day!

To learn more about the Challenge:


Last year around this time my friend, Kelly Deeny created a blogging challenge with the theme, Keep Moving Forward. We posted once a week for a month on the topic. I was feeling stuck at the time, unable to find the forward path I wanted to take. That challenge not only helped me to consider where I wanted to go, I actually enjoyed the challenge. Spring, when everything seems new again seemed like the perfect season to consider what would come next in my life and how I would get there.

I think it helped Kelly too. She recently packed up and moved to LA to work on making a dream of hers come true. Please send her some positive thoughts.

Every human being on our planet experiences some form of adversity at some time in their life. We all at one time or another suffer from loss, pain or fear. What is it that allows one person to deal with it and move on and another to become stuck in the pain of the experience?

The answer for me and my theme for the April 2016 Blogging from A-Z Challenge is to Keep Moving Forward.

If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward” – Martin Luther King, Jr.




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21 thoughts on “The Big Reveal…”

  1. I’m looking forward to seeing where you take us with this theme Doreen – it should be fun (hopefully I won’t be packing up and moving anywhere at the end of it though!)

  2. Wonderful theme. Looking forward to reading your posts. I did not participate in the Great Theme Reveal, but I will be participating in the challenge. My theme, well, it’s simply to post for every letter and share stories, write reviews, and encourage.
    Happy Blogging!

  3. I can’t even manage to blog once a week anymore, so I certainly can’t take on a daily blog challenge. From a readers point of view, I rarely read a daily bloggers posts. I find it too much. If it’s a reader I enjoy I will look forward to their next post but, I can’t promise to if it’s daily.
    But, I support you in whatever you do!

  4. You ask the exact question my husband and I were asking each other the other day. Our thoughts went to people we know facing challenges and the differences in how individuals dealt with them.

  5. Powerful and inspirational, Doreen!
    I’m eager to see the format…how it will unfold.

    I’m showcasing blogger books & book reviews…plus there will be loads of giveaways!
    See you around on the A to Z circuit!

  6. What the world needs now is some inspiration with things falling apart around us with jobs, healthcare, a war that can’t be named. It feels like moving forward is tough in America just now. I’ll be back in April for a “fix.”

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