Keep Moving Forward…

The year 2014 did not start well for me. I lost my father unexpectedly in January and my best friend passed away on my birthday in February. I am grateful that I was by their sides and able to say goodbye but moving forward, past the shock and then the pain, has not come easy. In fact I have pretty much been stuck.

My friend and the facilitator of Bucks County creative Explorers, Kelly wrote a blog post about being stuck. She wrote that she felt like her feet were stuck in concrete. That is exactly how I was feeling too.

Kelly then posted this challenge. If you are also feeling stuck please join us. Let’s inspire each other to smash our concrete shoes.


Kelly's logo Keep moving forward challenge

I will post an entry in the Keep Moving Forward Challenge every Thursday from now through March 2015. To join in on the journey, use the comment section to tell us about how you “kept moving forward” that week. Write about it on your own blog site (and include the link in the comments), make a video, and/or use the hashtag #KeepMovingForwardChallenge on the social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram).

Please make sure to use #KeepMovingForwardChallenge on social media so that we can comment, like, share, favorite, or retweet!

January 2015 started on a happier note. I finally signed the contract for my second book, The Stranger In My Recliner and it will be out later this year.

February has me feeling down. Has it really been a year since I said goodbye? I work part-time for a home care agency and my long time client was moved into a nursing facility on Monday, unexpectedly. She is 92 so chances are I have another goodbye coming soon. This client has been so supportive of me and my writing. My father and friend were extremely supportive too.

Dad and Me

Having something exciting to look forward to, like a new book release to plan for, a trip to Nashville for a blogging conference (BAM) and a trip to Daytona Beach to spend time with my Mom and for bike week usually would be enough to pull me out of my grief. It isn’t working.

I know what will work for me and that is helping someone else. My client needs extra care and extra comforting. Being moved from a large, lovely home into a dingy nursing home room is so depressing. The room is too bright at night and too dark during the day, loud and stinky. Change is hard for everyone but at 92 it is heartbreaking. Change with care is compassion and that is what I need to be for her now, compassionate.

My concrete shoes are so heavy but looking on the bright side they will probably keep me from slipping and breaking my neck during our impending ice storm.

I cannot get this song out of my head:


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18 thoughts on “Keep Moving Forward…”

  1. With a year since your losses it’s bound to feel hard. Nursing homes can be depressing but I hope you will get to visit your client. Just keep focussing on what’s positive, like your upcoming release and events, and just take one day at a time.

  2. So sorry to hear about your losses. I lost my dad last year so I know exactly what you speak of. I love your sense of humor! The last line made me chuckle. Good luck with all moving forward and how exciting about your upcoming book too!

  3. Everything has to catch up with you at some point, and you had some very hard losses. You are so inspiring, Doreen, and the fact that looking to help others is what you’re doing to get you feeling okay again says so much about who you are as a person. Keep moving forward. We’re all with you on the journey.

  4. I understand that kind of year. We all have them, I’m afraid. A lot more frequently as we get older (I’ve noticed). Life can be pretty hard sometimes. Thank God there are so many wonderful bright spots to be found!

  5. Sounds like this will be a good year for you. You’ve got a lot to look forward to from the sound of things. As with you, so far my year has started off much better than last.

    Forward is the only way to go if we want to get anywhere.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

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