Fraggin’ Fantastic


By the time Friday rolls around my mind is so full of ½ thoughts, lists and ideas but lucky for me, the lovely, Mrs. 4444 over at Half Past -Kissin Time came up with the solution for all those Fragments. Friday Fragments is the place to unload all of those great ideas that just are not enough for a full post…yet.

The best part about Friday Fragments is without a doubt, the friends.

To learn more about Friday Fragments, how you can participate and the news on the BIG anniversary coming up:

Friday Fragmets Celebration






We are more than half way through this year’s A-Z Blogging Challenge. I have posted on time and have visited at least ten other blogs, each day of the challenge so far. I am still so excited that my ‘theme reveal’ post has eighty + comments.

If you have time I hope you will visit the A-Z’s of mental health awareness. Today’s post is on PTSD.

My editing on the book has suffered. I am going to try to catch up on that today.

I took a much needed break last Saturday and spent a glorious day with my daughters and grandkids. We had breakfast at Applebee’s with the Easter Bunny, to support my cousin’s little girl’s gymnastics team. The gymnasts actually served the breakfast and cleared the tables. They are a very impressive group.

Bunny Breakfast 2014 cousins

We assumed the babies would be scared of the bunny and have meltdowns but they were both thrilled to see the him/her?? Peyton said “Can I pet you?”

Bunny Breakfast w mommom 2014

After breakfast we traveled to the other side of Philadelphia to Bristol for the town’s opening day of little league baseball.  On the way we listened to, Pharrell’s ‘Happiness’ and the, Frozen soundtrack so many times that they are stuck in my head and I cannot get them out.

Adriana is playing T’ball this year {seriously, she was just born}, her brother Dominic moved up a level and for the first time in fourteen-years their big sister, Allyson will not be playing. She graduated last spring and is busy furthering her education and working. She did spend most of the day with us.

Bristol Opening Day 2014 Siblings

The parade started with fire trucks and police cars and then all of the kids walked a few blocks to the field. The whole town wore green in memory of a young girl, Jean who battled cancer like a champion. She went to Heaven last year. It was heartwarming to see the way the town continues to support her family.

Bristol Opening Day Parade

Dominic was the only one that had a game. His team lost but he is too cute.


I raised my kids in that town and I cannot help but be flooded with the memories of my own kids and opening day, Allyson and her opening days and now this next bunch.

It was 80 degrees, I got good and sunburned and by Monday when I left for work at 6 a.m. it was 30 degrees with a rain/snow mix. Very, very depressing. The sun came out for the rest of the week but yikes it is SO cold again.

This afternoon I will be on the Happy Hour radio show with the Victorious Woman herself, Annemarie Kelly. We will be talking about Easter memories. Check out her website for information on the Victorious Woman essay contest. You can write about yourself or someone you know.

  If you would like to listen in to the show, {3-4 est. I should be on around 3:45} you can do that here:

Have a very Blessed Easter,


I would love to hang out with you here too:



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