
Long Overdue Friday Fragments…


I have been through some life changing episodes since the beginning of the year. It’s no wonder I am in great need of sharing a few Friday Fragments.

Friday Fragments are bits and pieces of your week that are usually brief; too short for a stand-alone post, but too good to discard. Collect humorous observations, “Heard” items, and other small gems (hint: a notebook is helpful) and put them together in a Friday Fragments post. Then leave a link to your Friday Fragments post with Linky Tools and link back to   Half-Past Kissin’ Time

Friday Fragmets Celebration

I don’t want to jinx it but it felt a bit like spring here in Philadelphia today. It was sunny and 60 degrees. It is raining now but that is another sign of spring right?

The official first day of baseball was last week but our Phillies will have their official home opener on Monday. It is supposed to rain. I hope that is not a sign of what is to come for the season.

Go Phillies!!
Go Phillies!!

The EAGLES traded Michael Vick and released DeSean Jackson. I am quite thrilled about that!

For the month of April, I am once again participating in the A-Z Blogging Challenge. I do not know why I do this to myself other than of course I love the challenge. This year I chose Mental Health awareness as my theme. I am hoping to create a book/guide with the posts. I would love for you to check a few of them out. This year there are close to 3000 bloggers participating.

I am going to North Carolina today to get my friend Tina. She has been helping out with Joelle’s children. I am pretty sad knowing Joelle is not there.  We all miss her so much. I will be bringing Tina home, her family here misses her. So do I.

Mrs. 4444’s is getting ready to celebrate the 300th edition of Friday Fragments.  There will be some prizes so be sure to stop over and check it out and congratulate her! I am looking forward to the next 300 editions!!

The edits should finally be finished on my next book by the end of the month.

I am feeling a bit overwhelmed at the thought of spring cleaning. Do you have spring cleaning rituals?

Have a beautiful weekend!

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12 thoughts on “Long Overdue Friday Fragments…”

  1. Rosita Brooks

    My spring cleaning rituals are terrible. They usually start out great until I run across something I haven’t seen in a long time and get side tracked lol. I write quite a bit so I always find old journals and things like that.

  2. Glad to have you participate. I too have suffered from depression fortunately I was able to overcome it but I am ever mindful that it can back.

  3. It seems like life may be getting a bit back to normal for you, if you’re contemplating spring cleaning 🙂

    I do have a few rituals, most of them are on the outside of the house, though. We like to paint or wash off the porches, uncover the fountain, and generally ‘spruce’ up the yard a bit.

    I’ve been cleaning out some drawers/closets and cabinets, but am having a hard time deciding to get rid of anything. That’s the way I roll, I guess. In the meantime, I’ve been bringing home dishes and such, that used to belong to my late mother-in-law! Oh, I’m feeling cluttered!

    Have a great weekend, and enjoy the coming of spring 🙂

  4. I’m without my kiddos this weekend so I am planning on Spring Cleaning! I find that doing the 15 minutes at a time trick helps keep me from getting lost in the little things.
    I know you are still mourning Joelle — my thoughts are with you.

  5. My ritual is to wait til summer break. This year, especially (because we had spring break this year and because of four snow days, our last day is pushed to mid-June!

    I look forward to hearing more about your newest book!

    Good luck to your Phillies this year!

    Thanks for promoting the FFTC and linking up! Have a great weekend.

    1. My grandkids will be going to school until the end of June this year. It looks like it may
      affect our beach week:(
      I really hope the darn snow is done but they may be calling for more here. ugghh.

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