City Tavern, Can you believe this caused Mental Health Problems and Riding for History…

I am so happy Friday Fragments is not part of our national park system and I am so glad our Ride for History was last weekend and not this weekend.

Friday Fragments is a gathering of bloggers from all over the world that have one thing in common. They have busy lives and at the end of the week, they need to unwind and let go of a few thoughts or fragments.

If you are interested in joining us, you are welcome and you can get all of the details from our loyal, committed and lovely host here:

a new Friday Fragments photo


What a crazy news week. Our Government has shut down and not meaning to be mean or anything, but I almost want to laugh. If it is affecting you personally, I am sorry, you are caught in the middle of this silly game. The game got petty in Philadelphia yesterday when the owners of City Tavern received notification they were to shut down, immediately. Yes, I wrote owners. The tavern is a privately owned business. They lease the building from the federal government, which of course means the government makes money in this situation. Good job of line by line cherry picking!

Learn more about this historic restaurant here:

Speaking of history, some of my research for The Stranger in My Recliner took me to some horrible places. This world has a frightful history of treating and reacting to mental illness. In the 1800’s doctors believed that masturbation caused mental illness. When women became crazy, her ovaries always caused it. Children that became wards of the state were sometimes put into asylums and used for the most horrid experiments including being used as victims so doctors could study child molesters. I will not share the details of these treatments with you because they have kept me up and or caused nightmares for weeks now.

Last weekend John and I participated in our local historical society’s ride for history. We were slit into groups and rode around our county stopping at historically registered sites (I had no idea most of them existed) and touring them. Our group was a lot of fun. Ryan Taylor was our fearless leader. He knew where most of the sites were located. We had several other couples and a father with his eleven-year-old little girl. She was so cute! After the ride, there was a history festival in Rose Tree Park. The food was fabulous!

Do you visit or support any historical locations in your hometown?

Ride for History Ride for History Some of our group Ride for History Sweedish Cabin Ride for History Sweedish Cabin Photo

Have a blessed weekend,


Coming soon… Mrs. 4444’s rant, a review of Your Gift to Me and an interview with the author Bonnie Bartel Latino, News on Celebrity Boxing and Champions of Tomorrow and more…

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