
Writers Platform Building Campaign Challenge #1

Book Signing Schedule:  If you are in the area please stop by and say hello:)

Barnes and Noble/ Thursday March 8, 2012/ 4:00pm.- 7:00pm/5501 West Broad Street/ Richmond, Va. 23230/ 804-282-0781

Gifts for the Spirit–  March 9th, 2012/ 466 Ridge Avenue [Route 1]/ Daytona Beach Florida 32117- 12pm-2:00pm

Barnes and Noble/ Jacksonville/ 11112 San Jose Blvd./ Jacksonville, Florida 32223/ March 10, 2012/ 2:00-5:00

Love Notes- March 11th, 2012/ 160 Cypress Point Parkway/ Suite A-103/ Palm Coast, Florida. 32164/ 2-4

Love Notes- March 12th, 2010/ see above/ 4-6

Port Orange Library [Volusia County]- March 16th, 2012/ 1005 City Center Circle/ Port Orange, Florida 321292:00pm for BOOK BEAT in the auditorium!!

Sweet Marlays Coffee House- 214 South Beach Street/ Daytona Beach, Florida 32114/ Sunday March 17th/ 1:00pm-3:00pm

The Griffin Bookshop and Coffee Bar- 723 Caroline Street/ Fredericksburg, Va. 22401/ March 18th/ 2:00pm-4:00pm

Barnes & Noble- The Court @ Oxford Valley- Saturday April 7th- 1:00-4:00/ 210 Commerce Blvd./ FairlessHills, Pa. 19030

Hobbs Coffee- Friday April 13, 2011- 1 Park Avenue/ Swarthmore, Pa. 19081/ 3-6 p.m.

**Special event in West Chester  on April 21st details coming soon**

Schiavo Library- 801 Commonwealth Avenue/ Strathmere, NJ 08248/ Thursday June 21st, 2012

            The Challenge:

Write a short story/flash fiction story in 200 words or less, excluding the title. It can be in any format, including a poem. Begin the story with the words, “Shadows crept across the wall”. These five words will be included in the word count.

If you want to give yourself an added challenge (optional), do one or more of these:

  • end the story with the words: “everything faded.” (also included in the word count)
  • include the word “orange” in the story
  • write in the same genre you normally write
  • make your story 200 words exactly!

Mine has exactly 200 words, the word orange and ends with everything faded. To read other entries visit   I am #140


Shadows crept across the wall, in a flash they became dancing specks of orange.  The unwelcome morning arrived.

I scanned the room.  My kids were sprawled out on chairs.  When did they grow up?  My sister-in-law wriggled, pulling a blanket up over her head.

The baby purred softly in his pac-n-play, oblivious to the tragedy that struck his Daddy.

What a play on words.  David had been struck, beaten with a four foot  metal level and a baseball bat.  He had the claw end of a hammer slammed into the side of his head, repeatedly, chunks of DNA sailing through the air.

The doctor walked in causing us to struggle to sit up.  I did not want to hear what she had to say.  She was negative, unkind and she did not believe in miracles.  Her hair was unkept. We shook the sleep off.  She was old.  How long ago was she in medical school?  Neurology is so specialized.  She must be smart.  How sad to never have witnessed a miracle.

She spoke slowly, cold and methodically.  We strained to hear her muffled words.  The sobs started, slow then steady finally erupting into wails of denial.  Everything faded.


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