Over at Java’s (where I was featured on Friday) we have Meet me on Monday : http://nevergrowingold.blogspot.com
The questions and my answers are:
1) Favorite way to eat potatoes? Baked with everything
2) Last package delivered to your house? Prescriptions/boring
3 ) What is your favorite scent that you love to smell? Very tough one because I smell everything. Right now I am loving the way Gain makes the house smell.
4) Do you smoke? I quit on 8/28/2010 and it still makes me crazy at least 5 times every day but I am hanging tough!
5) Are your parents married or divorced? D-I-V-O-R-C-E; remember that song? My mother played it for months when I was 11!
I am still trying to catch up on Friday’s Fun!
I am having a little contest on my quest to reach 500 followers before next Friday. All you have to do is leave me a meaningful comment. (meaningful in a way that makes me teary or makes me really smile etc…) and I will send you something nice. I chose my first winner last week and it was Unknown Mami : http://www.unknownmami.com she left me such a nice comment (It really did make me teary) and she always either makes you laugh or cry; she is just amazing:)
We chose a venue for the (real) launch of my book and my head is spinning with emotion and anticipation. There will be other events too. There is so much to do and I am very fragmented.
I am really looking forward to a road trip with my girls to visit with my friend Rebecca who will be launching her novel in April. She is getting amazing reviews and I cannot wait to rub her hands for luck:) http://www.thebirdsisters.com
Thank you all for hoping and praying for my other tiny grand daughter Adriana who had pneumonia last week. It turns out she has asthma. Her big sister had asthma when she was little and grew out of it by the time she went to school. I hope Adriana grows out of it too because it is very scary.
Allyson and her baby sister Adriana. This was actually taken on Halloween afterAdriana fell and got her first boo-boo’s:(
I have been trying for 2 weeks to finish 2 articles; one on post concussive syndrome and one on the awful doctor in Philadelphia that killed a woman and 7 babies. Hopefully I can concentrate long enough to finish them this week.
My favorite quote this week comes via one of my first blog friends Beth. http://www.bethszimmerman.com
I really needed to see this because I have trouble with attention.
“Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it is in everyone. As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others”—-Marianne Williamson
How about you? How do you manage to shine without feeling like you are boasting?
I met an amazing young woman via a news broadcast here in Philadelphia. She was the victim of bullies most of her life. She seriously wondered what she had to live for. She is now an advocate for victims, a public speaker and she is working on her first book. To see the video of “Bullying: Melissa Ann Hopely’s Story “…http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com
I really am fragmented this week.
As always I wish you all a blessed weekend and a positive and powerful week:)