Insecure Writers…

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group!

Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month and encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. No matter where you are in your writing career your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

I rarely miss an Insecure Writers Support Group posting.

Missing last month was awful. I have a doctor’s note though, I was in the hospital trying to kick a blood infection. It was the result of several kidney stones. I’m so crazy I laid there in so much pain thinking about the invaluable research I was getting. I’m already feeling empathy for the character that drinks too much sweet tea and unfortunately develops kidney stones.

Today’s optional question: Besides writing what other creative outlets do you have?

My first instinct is to say no, writing is the only creative thing I do. After thinking about it, I love doing crafty type things. The truth is I’m not that good at it. Every once in a while I surprise myself though.
My husband and I were married on the beach at sunset. The most beautiful quarter moon and single star appeared. All these years, every month since then we go outside and look at that moon.

For our last anniversary I drew and painted a moon and star.

I added the text, When we have each other we have everything. It’s not great but he loves it so I’m kind of proud. lol
I’ve always wanted to paint. My father was a talented artist. Growing up I always felt intimidated, like I would never be as good as him. He never made me feel that way, it was me feeling insecure. He loved teaching me what he knew and was always encouraging. I was a bit worried to tell him I wanted to write, not paint. He was thrilled for me and when my first book was released he was so proud.

He passed away 5-years ago. His birthday is Friday and the more time that goes by the more I want to paint.
I do believe in natural God given talents but with all creative endeavors the more we learn and practice, the better we come.
How about you? What creative outlets do you have?

Be sure to stop by and thank the awesome co-hosts:
Raimey Gallant, Natalie Aguirre, CV Grehan, and Michelle Wallace!

Happy writing,
I would love to connect with you here too:


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6 thoughts on “Insecure Writers…”

  1. Youch. Hospital stays are no fun. I’m glad you’re out and I hope you’re doing much better!

    Lovely picture. And I’m glad you pursued your passion and that you could share it with your dad!

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