During the month of April I am participating in the A to Z Blogging Challenge. You can find out more about that here:
My theme this year is Keep Moving Forward…
I stopped making New Year resolutions ages ago because they only lasted a few days or maybe a few weeks. I decided a list of goals was a better plan for me and that worked so much better. I rarely finished all of my goals but I always made a good dent in my list. I now include a word of the year. This year my word is organization. My organizing was going so well, until April. My schedule was full and included traveling. On top of that I signed up for my fourth year of not only participating in but helping with the A-to-Z Challenge. I fell behind twice because I wasn’t prepared. I was determined to finish and I am going to work harder at being prepared.
It’s hard to move forward if you are always trying to catch-up.
Do you have any yearly rituals to keep you moving forward?
During the month of April I am participating in the A to Z Blogging Challenge. You can find out more about that here:
My theme this year is Keep Moving Forward…
Because thats what I will be singing all day!
I enjoyed being part of A.J’s team! Thank you all for following along!