Writing Wednesday/Book Covers

Writing Wednesday

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Wednesday is the day I share what I have learned on my writing journey and on to publication, marketing and publishing again. If you have any questions please feel free to leave them in the comments and I will do my best to answer them. If you have any tips please share them with us in the comments…

Are books really judged by their covers’

I hate to admit that I am that person that is attracted to books by their covers’, wine by the label, heck I even choose my shampoos and body washes to match my bathroom. So you can imagine how full of anxiety I will be when it is time to choose my own book covers.

Flip Flop wine

Actually I don’t get to choose the cover at all. I get a vote but the ultimate choice is the publishers. They tell me the cover will be chosen based on marketability.

Barnes and Noble

I got the call today letting me know that my cover questionnaire was sent and would I please take my time to think about and then answer the questions and have it back to the art department by April 20th.

The cover has been in my thoughts for months and honestly I had no vision or clue what I wanted. I did know that I was getting it done today and sending it back because continuing to think about it would be awful.

The first part was easy, title, sub-title, do I have a currant author photo. The next question was to describe the message I want my cover to give. What? That made my heart race so I skipped it and went on to the next question. What feelings do I want people to have when they look at the cover? The feelings I chose were contradictory. Did I really want to confuse people?

I was starting to get frustrated. A friend suggested I look through my photographs and see if any imagery popped into my head. It worked. I had a vision for the cover so then all I had to do was put that vision into words. I cheated and sent a few photos with my words.  Now I wait. Will the artists get it? Will I love what they come up with?

Will people judge me and my book by its’ cover?

Adriana Card

Now I can start stressing about blurbs, back matter and a forward. It truly is like having a baby. I cannot wait to see the book, I know production will be painful but once I see it and hold it I will be in love.


How do you choose a book? If you are writing a book have you thought about the cover? If you’ve written a book how was your cover chosen?

Happy Writing,


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32 thoughts on “Writing Wednesday/Book Covers”

  1. I have to admit I love a beautiful wine bottle and book cover…but I also love the idea of of looking through pictures for inspiration. Thanks for the tip

  2. As a self-publisher I was lucky enough this time around to have a colleague offer his design services pro-bono because he is trying to build a portfolio for Indie authors. He asked me some questions, sent me a prototype and then we got feedback from some of my beta readers, which greatly enhanced the final product. I would be remiss not to give a shout out to him – Brendan Cox Design Studio in Paris. One thing he said though still sticks with me as funny – “Covers that feature mustaches sell 27% more.” Really? How does he know this?

  3. I have bought many a book … they are my shoes … and I hate to admit it, but the cover is the first thing that catches my eye. My pattern is predictable:
    1. Front cover
    2. Back cover – to read blurb and find out about the author
    3. Open the front and read the flap – to get more details about the book
    4. Open the back to find more about the author, if I haven’t found enough yet
    5. Sit with it and read the first few pages
    6. Buy

    As a writer, all of this is so much harder to face. When ever I hear that my work will be judged by its cover, I cringe … even as I do it myself.

  4. Love Wednesdays! Book covers are uber important. Attraction to the eye, print size, blah, blah, blah. Mostly…its about the book and your message. Crazy stressful for any author. Love this share!

  5. Helene Cohen Bludman

    I definitely have chosen a book based on its cover, but that was more in the days of browsing in Borders and Barnes and Noble. Now that I get my books online, I am less seduced by the cover. However, a boring cover might turn me away. I am so excited for you that you are at this stage with your new book!

  6. Congratulations, Doreen! Every step is just as exciting. I think the coolest part of designing a cover was getting to use talented people to make it. I could just sit back and say, “You’re amazing.”

    And you are.

  7. Well, I must admit that I miss choosing a book by its cover, since e-readers have deprived many of us of that pleasure. One of my favorite activities is browsing books in a real-life bookstore and seeing the array of covers. That said, I don’t ultimately choose a book that way; I choose it by what’s inside.

  8. Covers are so personal. I had such a hard time conveying what I saw in my head that I think I ended up settling for something slightly less! The good thing about self publishing is that, like a poorly fitting blouse, I can change it if I find something better! As always, you make Wednesday great!

  9. First of all, congrats again! How very exciting. Yes, book covers are so very personal and important. I do often judge a book by its cover so it looks like you made a great choice! I can’t wait to read it. I really enjoy your posts on Wednesday!

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