Keep Moving Forward…

Keep Moving Forward Challenge…

My friend and the facilitator of Bucks County Creative Explorers, Kelly wrote a blog post about being stuck. She wrote that she felt like her feet were stuck in concrete. That is exactly how I was feeling too.

Kelly then posted this challenge. If you are feeling stuck too please join us. Let’s inspire each other to smash our concrete shoes.


I will post an entry in the Keep Moving Forward Challenge every Thursday from now through March 2015. To join in on the journey, use the comment section to tell us about how you “kept moving forward” that week. Write about it on your own blog site (and include the link in the comments), make a video, and/or use the hashtag #KeepMovingForwardChallenge on the social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram).

For more information:

Please make sure to use #KeepMovingForwardChallenge on social media so that we can comment, like, share, favorite, or retweet!


It happened again. I lost another dear friend far too soon. At first I was in shock, then, I was angry and wanted to know what cruelness snatched her from her family and friends. Now I am so sad.

Recently I heard that every time you lose someone close to you, you re-grieve everyone you have ever lost. That would explain a lot.

I know I am supposed to wake up every morning feeling grateful and ready to attack the day but today I just want to pull the covers up, find the cool spot on my pillow and go back to sleep.

Quotes Goals change the plan not the goal

Time has no trouble moving forward no matter how I am feeling. In fact it just sprung ahead an hour leaving me desperately wanting that hour back. Just sixty-minutes to make my brother one more cup of coffee and tell him how much I still miss him, to laugh at one of my Dad’s goofy jokes one more time, to watch my BFF’s eyes fill with those proud Mommy tears as she watched her baby girl being sworn into the Navy and to catch up with my friend because I hadn’t seen her in awhile. None of this is possible now except for in my dreams, which is why I want to sleep.

Last week my goal was to clean up my e-mail and as hard as it was I got it done. Email is like laundry though because it keeps coming. I am hoping to get rid of the junk daily.

This week I need to take care of a frightening health issue. My blood pressure has been consistently spiking for days now. I take blood pressure meds so it is usually controlled. Perhaps it’s a warning to keep moving forward but doing so a bit slower.

BloodPressure pic

This week it will be one hour; one day and one foot at a time but the motion will be forward.

How do you keep yourself moving towards your goals when life or death keeps getting in the way?



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18 thoughts on “Keep Moving Forward…”

  1. Helene Cohen Bludman

    So sorry for your loss, Doreen. It sounds like this one left you blindsided. Be gentle with yourself and take time to grieve despite your busy schedule. And take care of your medical issue — you need to make that your priority. Sending hugs.

  2. My condolences on yet another (too soon) loss, Doreen. You seem to be handling it as well as can be expected. I love your comparison of email to laundry. I’ve been on a “clean up the email” mission as well, unsubscribing from all kinds of things. We must stop the madness… and march on. Cheers to you for keeping up the forward momentum despite life and death. ♥

  3. Doreen, so sorry for your loss. It takes time to grieve and most of all take care of your health and your own oxygen mask. I find that mindfulness meditation and living in the present helps me through any healing process. Don’t put so much judgement on yourself at this time of loss. Sending good thoughts your way. Namaste.

  4. I’m so sorry, Doreen, Sometimes it’s okay to pull the covers up and go back to sleep. In its own way, that may ultimately help you move forward. Taking baby steps is still moving forward. Sending you a big hug.

  5. Doreen, I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. Moving forward — how do we do it? I don’t honestly know. When my husband passed, my kids kept me going. I had to be there for them. It’s one step at a time and taking care of yourself in whatever way you have to do it. You don’t want your friends to be writing a similar post about you. Sending thoughts and prayers your way.

  6. Sorry your heart is hurting, Doreen. Also, it never hurts to slow down. In fact, it makes me realize that my slowing down reminds me what’s really important. I hope you feel better soon.

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